Friday, February 1, 2008

The Hold-Up -- Cutting off an Entry to Disrupt Tempo

The hold-up play is used when you hope to thwart the tempo of the opponents by refusing to take your ace on the first round.

A play very seldom used, it is highly effective and assumes only a small risk. It should be used more often by the so called "experts".

West led the ♥K, North following with the ♥4 and East with the ♥9. South, knowing West lacked entries due to his bid, figured a hold up with a favorable distribution might kill East/West's entries and followed with the ♥2.

West continued with ♥Q, and this time South took the ♥A. East now had no way of reaching West's hearts.

North and South switched to clubs and then diamonds. When East took the ♦A he could not reach his partner's hand to discard a loser.

With East forced to ruff hearts on trick 9, he was endplayed and his side could only win 3 spades, 1 heart and 1 diamond.

Had South not held up the ♥A, East could have led a heart to his partner. Hearts by West fulfills their bid.


Anonymous said...

You should check out Mystic Island at They have an extremely popular Duplicate System endorsed by Joe Andrews, with a realtime scoreboard displaying the hands as they happen. In addition, they offer Duplicate Pinochle and Rook, and a duplicate cut-throat Spades (both 3 handed and 4 handed) is also in the works. Be warned though, some of the most competitive players on the internet play here, so this isn't a place to come and expect an easy game.

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I don't agree with your opinion about that site. I played there just to test some players: they are still beginners. even refusing to learn so more about the game.
The reason?

It's simple:

Take a look at this sentence:

"Abilities required to recognize competence are the same required to recognize incompetence"

For instance, in order to correct a sentence you should know that's wrong. But, if you know that's wrong then you are competent.

So, only competent people can recognize and correct a wrong sentence.

On the countrary, who is not competent can't even notice about mistakes.
